
Our Team Of Attorneys

Reflecting the region’s diversity, Fraser Watson & Croutch LLP’s attorneys come from a wide variety of cultural, ethnic, and religious backgrounds, and each of our attorneys brings a unique set of life experiences into their understanding of their clients, their cases, and their practice.

We value the model of a lawyer as an involved citizen and a well-rounded individual, as well as a dedicated professional.

Many of the Firm’s attorneys participate in activities outside the Firm environment, both legal and non-legal. Our attorneys are members of numerous bar associations, legal committees, as well as not-for-profit organizations. Many also have chaired national, state and local bar association sections or have been involved in pro bono legal services programs. As a consequence, the Firm has a long tradition of leadership in the legal profession and in the community.


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Oksanna Asiryan

Senior Associate


Stephen C. Fraser

Senior Partner

Headshot of a woman with short blonde hair

Kristen J. Heim

Senior Associate